I’m Joe Crocker from Bristol in the UK, where I champion empowered product teams, and remote first businesses.

For 9 years I worked in Law enforcement in Bristol in the UK.

With 2 kids, a mortgage and some challenging personal circumstances, I felt more broke than I did as a student. I didn't want to leave those skills behind for a "promotion" to custody, main office or traffic, but I needed to make more money. So I had 3 choices:

  1. 1. Stay where I was, top of the pay scale, and work overtime.
  2. 2. Get promoted and leave my specialism behind.
  3. 3. Find something else.

So I left policing for a cybersecurity start-up in 2018 and never looked back.

Doubled my salary and 10x’d my quality of life.

I started out writing cybersecurity content, before becoming a product manager. Working with designers, engineers, copywriters in a tech environment was a dream come true, and I got lucky with the team who taught and supported me to do the job.

In 2022 I started creating content and offering services to police officers who wanted to make their own career transitions.

Using the product and tech knowledge I’d picked up along the way to create lightweight online business models that allowed me to provide CV writing services, coaching calls, communities and courses seamlessly online, for less than £250 per month whilst managing a full time job.

In 2023 - I partnered up with Mightify to provide those same services to help as many emergency service workers as I could, and moving forward I hope to work with other coaches and small businesses to maximise their impacts across the internet.

If you want to know more, please feel free to reach out.